Cooperative Learning Kagan Quick Reference Guide
Kagan Strategy: Think-Pair-Share * Steps for the Strategy 1. Students are paired and work at tables of four. 2. Present a problem to the students. 3. Give them time to think on their own about possible answers for a specific amount of time. 4. Students discus … The Effect of (Think – Pair – Share) Strategy on the ... (Think – Pair – Share) Strategy is one of group discussion strategies falling within curved structural and it is a method of diverse methods of learning collaborative. This method was developed by Kagan (1991) through provide the teacher flexible ways to implement Kagan Strategy: Timed-Pair-Share - USD #416 Kagan Strategy: Timed-Pair-Share * Steps for the Strategy 1. Students are paired and work in pairs. 2. Present a problem to the students. 3. Provide them with a specific amount of time to write their answers. 4. Students discus their answers with either their face or shoulder partners. 5. The Influence of Think-Pair-Share (TPS) on Improving ...
file/0006/490857/Think-Pair-Share-explained.pdf. Accessed on April 8, 2014. 19Spencer Kagan, Cooperative Learning. (San Juan. Capistrano, CA: Kagen Think-Pair-Square-Share is a series of steps that enables the students move through the stages of individual work, paired work and group work before feeding Kagan. (1985). Concrete. Students use a variety of generic and content-free ways of managing Think Pair Share/Square structures to be the most similar to their practices, followed by 28(2), 385-404. allowing private think time, have the students turn to their partner and share their thoughts. Think-Pair-Share can be used regularly during the modeled reading period at any point where the teacher would Corners – (Kagan). The teacher Learning “what worked” for others and sharing. “what works” for you promotes I think cooperative learning is when_______________________. One example of teaching-for-meaningful-learning.pdf Spencer Kagan's Structural Approach Students also benefit from just thinking and pairing even if no one shares with A set of pairing and grouping techniques that can be used on the fly to Think- Pair-Share (Lyman, 1981) allows students to test and refine their ideas with a partner This well-known technique (Kagan & Kagan, 2015) uses a simple grouping
Whereas there is nothing in Think Pair Share to make verbalization time equal within the pairs or during the class sharing time, Time Pair Share is carefully designed to equalize participation. Upon observation in Think Pair Share we find some students always doing most or even all of the talking, and other students doing little or none. Think-Write-Pair-Share The traditional Think-Write-Pair-Share strategy is designed to differentiate instruction by providing students with time and structure for thinking about a given topic, enabling them to formulate individual ideas and share these ideas with a peer. In this modified strategy, a problem is posed, students have time to think COOPERATIVE STRUCTURES FOR ASKING QUESTIONS THINK … Do not use Think-pair-share for questions where several students would be unable to Learning: Resources for Teachers by Spencer Kagan (800-Wee-Coop) 11 STAND AND SHARE The teacher/student asks a question similar to those for Round Robin (multiple answers, easy enough for all students). Students all stand up. Think-Pair-Share | Classroom Strategies | Reading Rockets
improved knowledge of Kagan structures Think time. ○ Student(s) raise hands. ○ Teacher calls on student to answer ○Timed Pair Share Who goes first? -Predict some of the things that they think we will be doing for the lesson that day. if that is part of the activity) by providing an acceptable answer. (Kagan, 1994). Think-Pair-. Share 2. started with Spencer Kagan's Structural Approach (1992), but have adapted his Academic Controversy, Think-Pair-Share, or Formulate- Share-Listen-Create. The writer uses Think Pair Share technique to teach speaking. Think Pair Share is a part of cooperative learning strategy that makes the students work together in small group. Quantitative Full Text: PDF San Clemente: Kagan Publications. Divisions (STAD) and Think-Pair-Share (TPS) on senior secondary school students' achievement in reading comprehension in male and female students exposed to Think-Pair-Share cooperative learning strategy. Kagan online magazine. Retrieved Johnson2003.pdf.
Think-Pair-Share | Classroom Strategies | Reading Rockets